Multi-arch Home IOT components
Seems multi-arch images are not taking off as fast as I hoped, so I was forced to make few of my own to accomodate for Home-assistant, Mosquitto and Letsencrypt certbot running on Raspberry Pi (ARM32v7) and on Orange Pi Prime (ARM64v8).
I took original home-assistant images and just provided a single fat manifest for them.
So, instead of pulling different images for different platforms:
# (on Linux)
$ docker run -d homeassistant/home-assistant
# (on Raspberry Pi)
$ docker run -d homeassistant/raspberrypi{1,2,3}-homeassistant
# (on Orange Pi Prime):
$ docker run -d homeassistant/aarch64-homeassistant
you can just do:
$ docker run -d lobradov/homeassistant
and leave the magic of choosing right image to to Docker engine.
This magic is called fat manifest and is basically a pointer to different images, with some metadata (annotations) to help Docker engine pick the right one.
Scripts that build that are here: (this requires my framework for building multi-arch images, as described here:
Inspired by original images, which are built only for X86_64 (amd64), I rebuild mosquitto to be multi-arch.
Usage is the same as original image, so:
$ docker run -it \
-p 1883:1883 \
-p 9001:9001 \
-v mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf \
-v /mosquitto/data \
-v /mosquitto/log \
Scripts user to build are here: (this requires my framework for building multi-arch images, as described here:
Letsencrypt certbot
Same as Mosquitto, original Certbot images are build only for X86_64 (amd64), so I rebuilt it to be multi-arch.
Usage is the same as original image, so:
$ docker run -it --rm -p 443:443 -p 80:80 --name certbot \
-v /etc/letsencrypt \
-v /var/lib/letsencrypt \
-v /var/log \
lobradov/certbot certonly
Scripts to build are here: (this requires my framework for building multi-arch images, as described here: